Friday, May 17, 2019

MBR2019 4-weeks to start!

Good morning race fans!
It is 4-weeks from the 14-June start of Marion-to-Bermuda 2019 race!
There is still time to book shore-crew accommodations in Bermuda if you want to rendezvous with Mahina Kai on our arrival, anticipated Tuesday 18-June, weather permitting.
The crew spent some time this winter in the Safety at Sea course, practicing in the pool with life raft operations, and outdoors with fire safety. The Admiral and Captain have been diligently overhauling boat components, making sure the mechanicals are ready for a blue water excursion.

Last month the crew finishing sanding and polishing the hull, a new jib was installed, and Mahina Kai slid into the water. The crew will perform some shake-down drills later this month as we finish race preparations.

Stay tuned for more details!
#marionbermuda #SVMahinaKai