This morning marks our half-way point to Bermuda!
One of the complexities of crossing the Atlantic Ocean is
remediating the impacts of the gulf stream current. Most of us know about the basic current flow
from the Gulf of Mexico, around Florida, to northern Europe, which then sinks
as a cold current and returns South. In
reality though, there are arm-like offshoots from the main current, and large
areas of spinning cold or warm eddies that can stay active for years. These create beneficial or opposing currents
that can help or hinder progress.
A second complexity is the prevailing weather. Two years ago, remnants of TS Bill, moving
through New England and easterly off shore created strong winds in opposition
to the gulf stream current. This
combination increases the seas, wave heights, and compresses the wave frequency,
and made for a very rough ride. This
year, a gale moved North of New England before the start, giving us a lively
sailing day for the start, but has now left us with several areas of high
pressure and relatively calm weather now.

Have seen a couple pods of dolphins swimming nearby, and a
few sea birds.
Thai peanut noodles for lunch, dinner of Lasagna, Cookie of
the Day: Frosted starfish
#SVMahinaKai #MBR2017
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