Wind SW 3kts Seas 1-2ft
Mahina Kai – Day 5 Marion to Bermuda – Calm Seas
Weather weather everywhere, but not a gust to sail by.

The monotony of the day was punctuated by a visit from a pod
of dolphins, which always excites the crew.
A few seabirds enjoyed fishing in the wake of our boat, and we passed an
occasional Portuguese Man o’ War. These
fellows are even more at the wims of mother nature, relying solely on wind
propulsion captured by their above-water sail.
Normally on sail races, it is
bouncy, the boat is heeled over, and eating is on paper plates. With the weather being so calm, the Captain has
called for the china to be brought out of the closet for a dinner al fresco in
the cockpit with lasagna, salad, and fresh fruit cup. Cookie of the day: Stars!
We continue to hope for some
gathering weather, but if this does not come, we will have some serious
discussions about our provisions, and how long we can continue enjoying this
Bermuda High.
#SVMahinaKai #MBR2017
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